
This Is Just To Say

September 23, 2009 · By Sloane Davidson, Founder and CEO, Hello Neighbor

After posting So Much To Say But Where Are The Words, I was reminded of one of my favorite poems of all time by William Carlos Williams. I'm posting it below. I've found a lot of emotional relief in poetry this week, caused by finding an old poetry book in my stepdad's house and reading it in bed at night. The poems from 100 years ago remind me of the Philippines where you have a lot to say and not a lot of tools of communication to do it. The simple and yet utterly complex imagery deeply move me. I'll post a few more of my favorite poems in the coming week. To kick it off...

This Is Just To Say by William Carlos Williams

I have eaten the plums that were in the icebox

and which you were probably saving for breakfast

Forgive me they were delicious so sweet and so cold

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