
Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About My Kiva Fellowship

November 12, 2009 · By Sloane Davidson, Founder and CEO, Hello Neighbor

ASHI-Kiva Member Bernardita DayoIn a burst of energy the last few days, I have spent a lot of time and completely updated and redone the part of The Causemopolitan that tell you all about my Kiva Fellowship in the Philippines this past summer. Basically I wanted to make it super easy for YOU, the reader, to find all the great stuff I wrote about (and am quite proud of) about my Kiva Fellowship. This includes the online social media techniques I used to fundraise to be able to go on the Fellowship, my complete list of donors, the "thank you letter" template I used to thank donors, a section I call "All Things Kiva" which includes links and resources and all blog posts from both this site and the Kiva Fellows blog and last my Kiva mass journal sent to all ASHI lenders on Kiva.

You can see all of the new section in the upper navigation of the site under Kiva Fellowship. So browse through these new sections, tell me what you think in the comments and share with anyone you know who's interested in microfinance and wants to learn more from someone who experienced it first-hand in the field.

Without further ado: Kiva Fellowship What Is Kiva? Kiva Fellowship Donors Fundraising for a Kiva Fellowship What Is a Kiva Journal?