
Lets Make Gideons Wish Come True

14-year-old Gideon Gidori has wanted to be an astronaut for as long as he can remember.
June 24, 2014 · By Sloane Davidson, Founder and CEO, Hello Neighbor

On the road to becoming the first Tanzanian astronaut

I was one of the earliest supporters of Epic Change back in 2009, a nonprofit whose goal is to support education in Tanzania. Over the years two of the students have emerged as the kind of kids that make the future look bright.

Their names are Gideon and Leah.

They strive every day to make their dreams some true. They have a new campaign on to support their education for next year. It's not tax-deductible (scholarships through 501c3's aren't eligible) but these kids are absolutely worth every penny and will continue to make themselves, their families, their communities and all of their supporters proud.

Please consider joining me in making Gideon and Leah's wish come true.

More about their fundraiser:

14-year-old Gideon Gidori has wanted to be an astronaut for as long as he can remember. Born in Tanzania, he’d be the first from his country, and the first black astronaut from the continent of Africa.

In 2013, Gideon was accepted to Florida Air Academy in the US, where he now earns straight As in honors coursework, despite the fact that his first language is Swahili. He was offered a scholarship by Epic Change founder Stacey Monk, who decided to invest what would have been her annual salary to instead fund the first year of Gideon’s education in the US.

This Star Day, Gideon is wishing for the funds he needs to cover his school tuition and expenses at Florida Air Academy next year, as well as the tuition of his friend and former classmate in Tanzania, 16-year-old Leah Albert, who dreams of becoming her country’s first woman president and is studying at the International School of Moshi in Tanzania.

Gideon knows that when you wish on stars, your wishes just might come true.

We know we’re all made of stardust and we’re the stars he’s wishing on.

For more history on Epic Change, here are a few links to check out!