
Invisible Children Launches Zerolra

September 25, 2013 · By Sloane Davidson, Founder and CEO, Hello Neighbor

Human rights issues have been center stage in the media arena and we are consumed with the impossible problem of Syria and the tragedy that struck Nairobi last week. Here is a similar story: people torn by genocide and civil unrest for over 25 years in Uganda at the hands of the LRA (or Lord's Resistance Army). You might remember the Kony explosion on social media last year with the campaign by Invisible Children. They are at it again.

I first heard of Invisible Children in early 2008. The founders had just returned from their first trip to the Congo and being in Los Angeles during that time, seeing this organization sprout from the ground and grow leaps and bounds has been incredible to watch. I have mentioned IC in talks I have given, like this one at CalTech in 2010.

Here is what we know about the hostages and forced soldiers within the LRA. There are 250 members of the LRA holding 140 women and 72 children captive – and displacing more than 10,000. It’s time to bring that number to zero.

Invisible Children launched a campaign this week called ZeroLRA. The campaign stands for: no child soldiers, no killing, and no war. They want us, all of us, to celebrate everything: every escape, every name, and every life. This campaign allows visitors to read the real-life stories people like Opondo and many like him. Invisible Children has set an audacious goal of $3 million for this campaign. I don't know about you, but I love a big audacious goal.

In Invisible Children’s spirit of keeping the fun in fundraising, donations to the campaign will result in defection fliers sent to donors’ homes, trips to Uganda awarded to top fundraisers every two weeks, tickets to the Fourth Estate Leadership Summit and Holiday Benefit Show, personal videos from Invisible Children’s celebrity supporters, trips to meet Jedidiah Jenkins wherever he is in the world at the time and even an Invisible Children “roadie” van.

Help children, women, and abducted soldiers escape from the LRA and return home. Every escape is a step closer to #zeroLRA. Click to Donate. To find out more visit HERE.