
Average Citibike Ride

September 25, 2013 · By Sloane Davidson, Founder and CEO, Hello Neighbor

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I love my CitiBike. I love the data the city shows on how many miles the bikes have been ridden on average, most popular pickup and dropoff spots and how many members there are. Their blog features riders, routes and weekend adventures. It's great. I ride mine all over the city. I talk about it frequently. The pass on my keychain is a kind of badge of honor. But I find one of the most frequent conversations I have with people is WHERE ELSE HAS THIS CITIBIKE BEEN? Where has it gone? Who else rode it? Are there CitiBike love stories?

Well I can't answer any of those questions. But I can share this awesome video of BMX'er Tyrone Williams tearing up his CitiBike. Found this video through F*cked Up In Park Slope and PIX11. Cheers guys.

I mean it's a much better story for the journey of a CitiBike than say Homeless Spin Classes? Unless of course those were a real thing and a public service and not a stunt.

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