
Spread The Good Welcome To Socialgood Day

September 23, 2010 · By Sloane Davidson, Founder and CEO, Hello Neighbor

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Welcome to Social Good Day. Mashable and (Red) are the presenting sponsors of today’s efforts to use social media to raise awareness and brainstorm solutions for the issues that we care about to tackle the world’s biggest problems. Why a Social Good Day? It’s the opportunity for us all to use social media to have real conversations while sharing and learning from each other.

How To Join #SocialGood Day

Suggestions of Things To Discuss

Facts and Resources to Consider:

If nothing else, you can start here by taking the following message and customizing it for yourself and posting it to your Twitter and Facebook:

#SocialGood Day @joinred @mashable my idea for (RED) is...

So remember, whether you talk, tweet, meetup, post or some combination of all of the above, your contribution matters. At the end of the day, take a moment to reflect how you FEEL. Did you do something today to be proud of, to make today count? Here’s one way to think about it, maybe you did a little something extra today that you don’t usually do. This would be a move to what I call “cause-filled living.” It’s the movement to build cause into your every day life and make those “someday” intentions activities for today.

Mark your calendars now for October 23, 2010. It’s the 20th anniversary of Make A Difference Day the largest national day of community service. Held annually the fourth Saturday of October, Make A Difference Day is sponsored by USA WEEKEND and HandsOn Network. You can start getting involved today by spreading the word, planning a project and getting the resources you need by visiting the HandsOn Network website or by visiting their Facebook page.

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