
I Process It Differently Now Views On My Travels In Developing Countries

March 12, 2011 · By Sloane Davidson, Founder and CEO, Hello Neighbor

Above is a slideshow of my first day in Haiti with the Fairwinds Trading and the #heartofhaiti bloggers. What's amazing is that each picture tells a story. A photo is really just a moment in time and from the second before to the second after everything changes. It captures how you feel just then.

So when I was thinking about Haiti and the difference in the experience for me versus some of the other women bloggers who haven't traveled as much to the developing world I couldn't help but have an important revelation. ** I process it differently now. Developing countries have a different affect on me now than before.**

I'm still struck from the moment we land at how different the developing world is from the developed. And I'm still in awe at the differences. But certain aspects I see differently. I still see the trash on the streets and the lack of infrastructure (old cars, building falling down) but now I see past that a lot more quickly.

My eyes now focus on the kids playing, the laughter of women gathered on a street corner, the way people are helping each other cross the street and carry heavy loads.

People ask me what draws me to the developing world and what I say is that it sets me straight. It reminds me of what's important in this world - people. And I simply love experiencing new places, my senses alive and taking in every moment, every sight and every smell. I like testing my internal compass, I like finding a way to connect with people when I don't speak their language. And I love being able to debunk myths of what traveling to developing countries is like to people when I get back.

When you look at the photos above, I hope you see the life in them. I hope you see the hope, creativity and progress. There's more than the ruins, you just have to look beyond the obvious. In other words, process it differently.